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What is an ENGINEERING formula in a spreadsheet?

Engineering formulas and functions are designed for performing engineering-related calculations. They encompass conversions, trigonometry, logarithms, statistical analysis, and other mathematical operations specific to engineering disciplines.

ENGINEERING formula usage examples.

The BIN2DEC function is used to convert a signed binary number to decimal format. It takes a signed binary number as input and returns the corresponding decimal value. The function works by interpreting the binary number as a signed integer and converting it to decimal format.

The BIN2HEX function is used to convert a signed binary number to signed hexadecimal format. It takes two arguments: the signed_binary_number, which is the binary number to be converted, and the optional significant_digits, which specifies the number of significant digits to include in the result. The function returns the signed hexadecimal representation of the binary number.

The BIN2OCT function is used to convert a signed binary number to signed octal format. It takes two arguments: the signed binary number and the number of significant digits to display in the result. The function returns the signed octal representation of the binary number.

The BITAND function performs a bitwise boolean AND operation on two numbers. It compares the binary representations of the numbers bit by bit and returns a new number that represents the shared bits between the inputs.


The BITLSHIFT function shifts the bits of the input value a certain number of places to the left. It takes two parameters: value, which is the input value to be shifted, and shift_amount, which is the number of places to shift the bits. The function returns the shifted value.

The BITOR function is used to perform a bitwise boolean OR operation on two numbers. It returns a number that represents the result of the operation. Each bit of the result is determined by applying the OR operation to the corresponding bits of the input numbers. If either bit is 1, the result bit will be 1; otherwise, it will be 0.


The BITRSHIFT function shifts the bits of the input a certain number of places to the right. It takes two parameters: value - the input value to be shifted, and shift_amount - the number of places to shift the bits to the right.

The BITXOR function is used to perform a bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) operation on two numbers. It returns the result of applying the XOR operation on the binary representations of the two values. Each bit in the result is calculated by comparing the corresponding bits in the input values. If the bits are different, the result bit is set to 1; otherwise, it is set to 0.

The COMPLEX function is used to create a complex number given real and imaginary coefficients. It takes three parameters: real_part, which represents the real coefficient of the complex number; imaginary_part, which represents the imaginary coefficient of the complex number; and suffix, which is an optional parameter used to specify the unit of the complex number. If the suffix is not provided, the complex number is assumed to be dimensionless.

The DEC2BIN function is used to convert a decimal number to its signed binary format. It takes two arguments: the decimal number to be converted and an optional argument for the number of significant digits in the binary representation. The function returns the signed binary representation of the decimal number.

The DEC2HEX function is used to convert a decimal number to signed hexadecimal format. It takes a decimal number as the first argument and an optional number of significant digits as the second argument. The function returns the signed hexadecimal representation of the decimal number.

The DEC2OCT function is used to convert a decimal number to a signed octal format. It takes a decimal number as the first argument and an optional number of significant digits as the second argument. The function returns the signed octal representation of the decimal number.

The DELTA function is used to compare two numeric values and returns 1 if they're equal. It takes two arguments: number1 and number2 (optional). If number1 and number2 are equal, the function returns 1; otherwise, it returns 0. This function is useful for performing equality comparisons in Excel.


The ERF.PRECISE function is used to calculate the error function for a given range of values. The error function is a mathematical function that describes the probability of a certain event occurring within a given range. It is commonly used in statistics and probability theory.

The ERF function returns the integral of the Gauss error function over an interval of values. It is commonly used in statistics and probability calculations to determine the probability of an event occurring within a given range.

The GESTEP function is used to check if a value is greater than or equal to a specified step. It returns 1 if the value meets the condition, and 0 otherwise. If no step value is provided, the default value of 0 will be used.

The HEX2BIN function is used to convert a signed hexadecimal number to signed binary format. It takes two arguments: the signed_hexadecimal_number, which is the hexadecimal number to be converted, and the optional significant_digits, which specifies the number of significant digits to include in the binary representation. If the significant_digits argument is omitted, the function will include all significant digits in the binary representation.

The HEX2DEC function is used to convert a signed hexadecimal number to decimal format. It takes a single argument, the signed hexadecimal number, and returns the corresponding decimal value. The function ignores any non-hexadecimal characters in the input and treats the remaining characters as a hexadecimal number. If the input is a negative number, it is represented in two's complement form.

The HEX2OCT function is used to convert a signed hexadecimal number to signed octal format. It takes two arguments: the signed hexadecimal number and the number of significant digits to include in the result. The function returns the signed octal representation of the input hexadecimal number.

The IMABS function is used to calculate the absolute value of a complex number. It returns the magnitude of the complex number, which is the distance from the origin to the point representing the complex number in the complex plane.


The IMAGINARY function is used to return the imaginary coefficient of a complex number. It extracts the imaginary part of a complex number and returns it as a real number.


The IMARGUMENT function returns the angle (also known as the argument or θ) of the given complex number in radians.


The IMCONJUGATE function returns the complex conjugate of a given number. The complex conjugate of a complex number is obtained by changing the sign of its imaginary part.

The IMCOS function returns the cosine of the given complex number.

The IMCOSH function returns the hyperbolic cosine of a given complex number. It takes a single argument, 'number', which represents the complex number for which the hyperbolic cosine needs to be calculated. The function treats the 'number' as a complex number in the form 'x+yi', where 'x' and 'y' are real numbers. The result is a complex number in the form 'cosh(x+yi)', where 'cosh' is the hyperbolic cosine function.

The IMCOT function returns the cotangent of a given complex number. It takes a single argument, 'number', which represents the complex number for which we want to calculate the cotangent. The result is a complex number.

The IMCOTH function returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a given complex number. It is used to calculate the hyperbolic cotangent of a complex number in Excel. The function takes a single argument, 'number', which represents the complex number for which the hyperbolic cotangent is to be calculated.

The IMCSC function returns the cosecant of a given complex number. It is used to perform trigonometric calculations on complex numbers.

The IMCSCH function returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a given complex number. It is used to calculate the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number in Excel.

The IMDIV function returns one complex number divided by another. It takes two arguments: the dividend and the divisor. The dividend and divisor can be either complex numbers or references to cells containing complex numbers. The function performs the division operation and returns the result as a complex number.

The IMEXP function returns Euler's number, e (~2.718), raised to a complex power. It is commonly used to calculate exponential growth or decay in various fields such as finance, population modeling, and physics.

The IMLOG function returns the logarithm of a complex number for a specified base. It takes two arguments: 'value' which is the complex number, and 'base' which is the base of the logarithm. The function calculates the logarithm of the complex number using the specified base and returns the result.

The IMLOG10 function is used to calculate the logarithm of a complex number with base 10. It returns the logarithm in the form of a+bi, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part.

The IMLOG2 function returns the logarithm of a complex number with base 2. It is used to calculate the logarithm of complex numbers using the base 2 logarithm.


The IMPRODUCT function returns the result of multiplying a series of complex numbers together. It takes multiple arguments, each representing a factor to be multiplied. The function can handle both real and complex numbers. If any of the arguments are non-numeric, the function returns the #VALUE! error.

The IMREAL function is used to extract the real coefficient from a complex number. It returns the real part of the complex number.

The IMSEC function returns the secant of a given complex number. It takes a single argument, 'number', which represents the complex number for which we want to calculate the secant. The function treats the complex number as an angle in radians and returns the secant of that angle.

The IMSECH function returns the hyperbolic secant of a given complex number. It is used to calculate the secant of a complex number in the hyperbolic plane.

The IMSIN function returns the sine of a given complex number. It takes a single argument, 'number', which represents the complex number for which we want to calculate the sine. The function treats the real and imaginary parts of the complex number separately and applies the sine function to each part. The result is a complex number representing the sine of the input complex number.

The IMSINH function returns the hyperbolic sine of a given complex number. It takes a single argument, 'number', which represents the complex number for which the hyperbolic sine needs to be calculated. The function treats the 'number' as a complex number in the form 'x+yi', where 'x' and 'y' are real numbers. The result is a complex number in the form 'sinh(x+yi)'.

The IMSUB function is used to subtract one complex number from another complex number. It takes two arguments: the first complex number and the second complex number. The function returns the difference between the two complex numbers.

The IMSUM function is used to calculate the sum of a series of complex numbers. It takes multiple complex numbers as arguments and returns their sum.

The IMTAN function returns the tangent of a given complex number. It takes a single argument, 'number', which represents the complex number for which the tangent is to be calculated. The result is a complex number representing the tangent of the input complex number.

The IMTANH function returns the hyperbolic tangent of a given complex number. It is used to calculate the hyperbolic tangent of complex numbers in Excel. The function takes a single argument, 'number', which represents the complex number for which the hyperbolic tangent is to be calculated.

The OCT2BIN function in Excel is used to convert a signed octal number to a signed binary format. It takes the signed_octal_number as the input and optionally the significant_digits parameter to specify the number of significant digits in the binary representation. The function returns the binary representation of the octal number as a text value.

The OCT2DEC function is used to convert a signed octal number to decimal format. It takes a single argument, the signed octal number, and returns the corresponding decimal value. The function works by interpreting the octal number as a signed integer and converting it to decimal representation.

The OCT2HEX function is used to convert a signed octal number to a signed hexadecimal format. It takes the signed_octal_number as the input and optionally the significant_digits parameter to specify the number of significant digits in the result. The function returns the converted value as text.

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